I spend a lot of time on my feet. I’m a carer for my mother and I also conduct choirs. Then there’s the day to day business of running a house.

I had a problem with a cracked heel which had become open and infected and very sore. My foot problems were all down to feeling I didn’t have time to address them properly.

My life felt so busy – in fact I was moving house at the same time. It was then a friend recommended I try Dr Anders foot balm. I’d tried hand creams and moisturisers before to no effect, but nothing specialist. Within 24 hours my heel had made a dramatic improvement. I also used a Dr Anders spray oil which made my feet feel so much softer.

I also had a bad nail infection. Initially, again due to lack of time, I’d ignored the problem, but eventually had begun seeing a podiatrist which had produced really positive results.

There’s a stigma around feet that stops people addressing issues. It feels as if you can cover them up and not bother. But I’ve been totally turned around in my attitude to day foot care. I now give it more priority. I visit my podiatrist every six weeks, just the same as I do my hairdresser. It’s become part of my routine.

Taking my foot care seriously has made me feel so much better in myself.



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