The Benefits


  • A supportive community dedicated to foot health
  • Helping you to understand how foot problems develop
  • Enabling you to love and nurture your feet
  • Sharing stories and connecting people so we can all appreciate how important our feet are
  • Driving change and improving awareness to reduce preventable foot problems

Connecting • Listening • Sharing

Your Foot Health

What do your feet say about your health?

Feet are incredible, they are our foundation and yet they are so often neglected. They often mirror our general health so it’s vital that you can recognise problems early and not ignore them. By making expert foot education accessible and understandable we want to change foot care attitudes. We want you to understand how fantastic your feet are and how hard they work for you. Let’s stop being embarrassed and hiding our feet away, feel them, nurture them, value them, they carry you every day!
Join the foot health community, share your foot stories and inspire others to appreciate how important our feet are.

Latest Blogs

What Causes Corns?
September 26, 2024,
Post by Dr Anders
What Causes Corns? Corns are thickened areas of skin that develop as a result of friction and pressure on your feet. Here are some common causes: Ill-Fitting Shoes: Wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause excessive rubbing, leading to corns. High Heels: These often put pressure on specific areas of the …Read More
10 Most Common Foot Problems and Treatments
August 12, 2024,
Post by Dr Anders
Our feet keep us grounded, they contain more than a quarter of all the bones in our body and take us the equivalent of 5 times around the earth in our lifetime. Yet they rarely get the attention they deserve, so it’s no surprise that foot problems can develop. The following advice should help you understand a little more about the 10 …Read More

Latest News

Interesting Foot Facts
September 30, 2024,
Post by Dr Anders
Complex Structure: Each foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Together, the bones in both feet make up about 25% of all the bones in your body​ Sweat Glands: The feet have around 250,000 sweat glands, capable of producing up to half a pint of sweat per day. This …Read More
Why walking is important
March 22, 2024,
Post by Dr Anders
A recent article has highlighted the risk of being inactive and foot complications. It is thought that not walking or moving regularly may reduce the skin’s ability to tolerate stress. So how can you move more? How do you set small goals to increase your activity? What motivates you to get up and take some …Read More


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